Saturday, 02 February 2019

Gery Saluut Malkist Story Telling

At the beginning of 2019, GarudaFood Sehati again held my Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities at the Elementary School (SD) level. This year's event in collaboration with Gery Saluut Malkist Brand and Indonesian Kampung Dongeng run a Roadshow at 10 elementary points in the Jabodetabek area during February - March 2019 with the theme "Gery Saluut Malkist Kampung Dongeng".

The inaugural roadshow was held at SD Negeri 02 Elementary School, Cipondoh - Tangerang, 2 February 2019 with the material delivered at each elementary school point about Food Safety, how to choose foods that are safe for consumption free of physical contamination, Biological contamination and chemical contamination as well as Gery products Saluut Malkist and other Garudafood products are produced with high technology and through a strict Quality Control system that is safe for anyone to consume. Garudafood is fully committed to food security, product quality and product halalness and complies with applicable regulations in Indonesia.

One thing that is emphasized also on the material presented to students is How to Read Labels on Food Packaging before consumption so as to avoid various diseases and hazardous ingredients.

In this fairy tale event, there were also lessons on how to tolerate everyday life among humans. The event sequence is as follows:

  1. Opening by MC
  2. Message from the Elementary School Principal (SD)
  3. Gymnastics together
  4. Fairy tale material
  5. Games
  6. Product sampling
  7. Closing, the closing was filled with testimony by representatives of the school.


From the activities held, the enthusiasm of the students was very high to listen to the material of the fairy tales that were funny, easy to understand and useful and the presence of Clown Gery which added to this event was more interesting to follow.

The Saluut Malkist Gery brand also provides 10 prizes for students who can answer the Quiz and Games delivered by the MC or storyteller and provide Gery Saluut Malkist product sampling to all participants who participated in this activity.

High enthusiasm is not only from participants but also felt by teachers and parents who enliven Garudafood Selling Booth at each event location.