Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Prioritizing HSE, Garudafood Commemorates World Safety and Earth Day 2024

Sumedang, West Java – PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk (Garudafood) has held Garudafood's World Safety & Earth Day 2024 on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. This is the second annual event of a series of Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (OHSE) campaign programs in the manufacturing sector. The event was carried out in a hybrid format at the Sumedang business unit and was attended by the Pati and Gresik business units.

The event also celebrates Hari K3 Nasional (12 January - 12 February 2024), World Earth Day on 22 April 2024, and World Safety Day on 28 April 2024. On this occasion, Garudafood invited Ali Purnomo (HSE Expert) to share insights about the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS). The goal is for employees to jointly ensure that contractors working in the company have met the OHSE standards and criteria set by the Company..

The event also celebrates Hari K3 Nasional (12 January - 12 February 2024), World Earth Day on 22 April 2024, and World Safety Day on 28 April 2024. On this occasion, Garudafood invited Ali Purnomo (HSE Expert) to share insights about the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS). The goal is for employees to jointly ensure that contractors working in the company have met the OHSE standards and criteria set by the Company.

Four categories of competitions were conducted during the OHSE campaign program from January - April 2024, with the OHSE theme, namely:

  1. OHSE Photography/Poster competition that individuals can participate in by submitting visual art, in the form of photos, with the theme of OHSE & World Earth Day in the work area or place of residence.
  2. Safety Heroes Award is given to the best employees in the business unit who are role models in implementing the Safety STOP culture.
  3. OHSE Campaign Video (group) competition that groups can participate in with the theme of OHSE and environmental cleanliness.
  4. OHSE Campaign Video between business units.

"Through this year's theme, 'Increase Discipline & Compliance as Habit for Zero Accident and Crafting Our Home as Earth', Garudafood is fully committed to implementing Zero Accident by maintaining and observing in a comprehensive, consistent, and sustainable manner all stakeholders related to OHSE. This is also in line with Garudafood's sustainability commitment or sustainability principles," said Fransiskus Johny Soegiarto (Director of Garudafood).

Garudafood has excellent programs for implementing OHSE in the manufacturing sector. Programs related to OHS include Top 3 for Zero, 3 on 3, Safety Ground Rules, Safety Health & Environment (SHE) Compliance, Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS), OHS Management System (OHSMS), and Health Risk Assessment programs. Programs related to the Environment include Water Reduction Intensity, GHG Reduction Intensity, Energy Reduction Intensity, and Waste Management programs. These programs aim to minimize potential hazards in the work area, strengthen the safety culture in our company, and most importantly maintain environmental sustainability by implementing sustainable and responsible business practices.

This program is carried out to support the noble mission of sustainability/sustainability principles. Garudafood focuses on striving to have an environmentally friendly production process through regulatory-based environmental management and upholding the safety and health of employees in producing safe, high-quality, and halal food and beverage products.

Basuki Nur Rohman, a leader who directly oversees operational activities in Garudafood’s manufacturing, also gave a message and expressed his appreciation to the Manufacturing team.

"Let us motivate ourselves to always improve our discipline and those around us to comply with Safety, Health, and Environment to create Zero Accidents and environmental sustainability. Thank you and congratulations to the Garudafood Safety Heroes, hopefully, they can be role models in implementing the Safety STOP culture when they see the slightest potential danger, wherever, and whenever," said Basuki Nur Rohman.

From top left, clockwise: Photo with BU Head and Winners of the OHSE Competition from the Sumedang, Pati (A), Gresik, Pati (B) Business Units

Winners of the OHSE Campaign Competition: