GarudaFood Sehati through the Sahabat Inspirasik Program greeted hundreds of students & students at Tarumanegara University Jakarta on May 7, 2019.
The topic raised on this occasion was Family Business Management with the title of the material presented about "Garudafood Business Transformation".
The event was opened by a speech from Ms. Lidiawati as a lecturer and continued with a Sharing session by Ms. Dian Astriana as Head of Corporate Communication & Relations.
This session discussed: Definition of family business which is divided into 2 groups, issues commonly faced by family companies and the key to success so that family businesses can survive long-term and sustainable so that Garudafood that starts from a family company becomes a public company at this time.
There are three core sustainability strategies implemented by Garudafood yatu: Developing Intrapreneurship through a Management System, Developing Sustainable Improvement through a Culture of Learning and Building a Strategic Performance Management System: Performance as Culture
Garudafood also always innovates and continually improves both in terms of the products produced and the company's management system by continuously improving the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Action) continuously.
The event ended with a group photo and the distribution of Garudafood products to the participants.