Jakarta, 16 December 2022 - WartaEkonomi.co.id Research and Consulting have once again selected Hardianto Atmadja (President Director of PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk) as the award recipient for Indonesia Most Acclaimed CEO 2022 with the theme Navigating Innovation to Lead a Successful Strategy for the following categories: Indonesia Most Acclaimed CEO 2022 with Outstanding Leadership in Strategic Business for Innovative Products, (Category: Consumer Goods). This is the 6th time that Hardianto has received this award since 2016.
IMACEO 2022 was held for the 14th time by Warta Ekonomi aiming to give appreciation to the company leaders for improving the company's performance, especially during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic and considers the role of company leaders to be crucial, especially during the pandemic, which continues to develop and provide positive stimulation to Indonesia's economy.
Jakarta, 30 November 2022 - PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk Sumedang & Gresik received the SNI Award 2021/2022 on Wednesday (30/11) in Jakarta. Garudafood through its 2 factories, namely Sumedang, West Java, and Gresik, East Java actively participates in the SNI Award. Garudafood Sumedang, West Java won the 'Gold' category and Garudafood Gresik, East Java, won the 'Silver' category from the BSN team and the jury.
This is the 17th year that the SNI Award is being awarded, namely since 2005, by the National Standardization Agency with the theme "The 17th National Quality Award of Indonesia". It is the most prestigious award from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for companies who have consistently applied the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) with superior, sustainable performance as well as national and global competitiveness.
Jakarta, 30 November 2022 - Garudafood won 4 (four) Platinum Indonesia Best Brand Award (IBBA) 2022 awards through 2 (two) of its leading brands, Garuda and Chocolatos. This award was given by SWA Magazine and the MARS Research Institute. This award is an appreciation of the best brands in the country that become the benchmark of performance in Indonesia.
Based on this year's MARS survey, the 4 brands that received the Indonesia Best Brand Award 2022 are: